Native Bentgrass™
The industry’s 1st choice for native lawn areas. Native Bentgrass™ delivers excellent durability, exceptional recovery and a dark green turf mat.
› Agrostis pallens
Medium leaf texture
Thrives in full sun and partial shade
Withstands low mowing heights
Strong sod mat provides effective weed barrier
Extremely drought tolerant
Uniform growth habit
Excellent wear recovery due to self repairing rhizomes

Delta Grassland Mix™
A premium soft grass with botanical emerald green color. Provides a unique contrast when planted in ornamental settings.
› Junegrass – Koeleria macrantha
› Slender Hairgrass – Deschampsia elongata
› Molate fescue – Festuca rubra
Narrow fine leafed texture
Moderate wear resistance
Slow growing, tuft forming, clumping grass
Persists under drought conditions
Prefers to grow in partial shade and tolerates full sun

Native Mow Free™
A low maintenance complement to natural landscapes. This versatile grass can be maintained as a turf lawn or left unmowed.
› Western Mokelumne fescue – Festuca occidentalis
› Idaho fescue – Festuca idahoensis
› Molate fescue – Festuca rubra
Contains two native fine fescues and one highly naturalized variety.
Excellent shade and cold tolerance
Deep green glossy leaves
Slow growing, narrow leafed grass with blades that are very lax and flexuous
Provides soil stabilization for sloped areas

Native Preservation Mix™
The complex beauty of native grasses are showcased in this dark green, fine textured sod.
› Junegrass – Koeleria macrantha
› Purple needlegrass – Nassella pulchra (California’s State Grass)
› Nodding needlegrass – Nassella cernua
› Molate fescue – Festuca rubra
Narrow fine leafed texture
Naturally drought resistant
Withstands partial shade and full sun
Excellent for sloped hillsides, median and roadside applications

Biofiltration Sod™
Revolutionizing the development of native grasses on roadsides, bio-swales and other environmental mitigation areas.
› Purple needlegrass – Nassella pulchra (California’s State Grass)
› Molate fescue – Festuca rubra
› California barley – Hordeum californicum
› Meadow barley – Hordeum brachyantherum brachyantherum
A combination of coarse and fine bladed grasses that create an excellent weed barrier
Withstands extreme heat in full sun conditions
Adapts to most soil types
Reduces soil erosion
Will recharge and purify ground water
Mature plant height 18” to 31”